Welcome to Crimson Stained Lands MUD!
Crimson Stained Lands is a Multi-User Dungeon (MUD) featuring races such as
human, elf, dwarf, pennatus, orc, and minotaur. Play as one of our many classes
including assassin, bard, healer, mage, paladin, ranger, shapeshifter, thief, and warrior.
There is currently no PvP, but we have plans for arena-style combat in the future.
You can connect to our MUD off and on at host: crimsonstainedlands.net
and port: 4000
If your client supports secure connections, you can use crimsonstainedlands.net
and port: 4001
- Damage Calculator
- Guild Skill Levels
- MUD Map
- Maps and EQ lists provided by Roman Shapiro
- Most Individual Maps provided by Roman Shapiro
- Maps JSon used to generate images provided by Roman Shapiro
Roman Shapiro's map making utility
Source Code:
The source code for our MUD is publicly available on GitHub. You can check it out here.